
The Far Roofs

Created by Jenna Katerin Moran

a game of talking rats, god-monsters, and you

Latest Updates from Our Project:

May Status
5 months ago – Sun, May 19, 2024 at 04:03:32 PM

Hi all! Just a general update.

The original art direction had roughly 50 pieces; most of these have now been received, commissioned, or tentatively commissioned, with 15 still waiting to be assigned.

Owing to the kickstarter's success, and after some experimentation with weight margins, I'm also adding 12-14 two-page speads and one bonus full-page piece---a short opening visual section, plus pieces corresponding to each of the most important Mysteries or their haunts. You've seen the Stagger of Rooftops and the Gutter-Lake; I'm also getting Leucrotta's "forest," the King of Shadows' roofs, the goblin-roofs, Unicorn, the farthest roofs where Hedge the Fang shapes the sea and the sky, Bluenettle Cliff, King Death's island, and Madcaps' Nave. Plus I decided to move the "you poor thing, you've learned to see" piece to the end of the book and put a manna-tree image on page 89. 

I currently believe I was significantly overconservative on page count before and that I can include all of this safely, and probably a longer index and art index page too, while still keeping the PoD at its current weight. *^_^*;;

There aren't any rules changes at this point relative to the backer draft, but I'm integrating typo catches and occasionally making changes for clarity based on reports from discord.

I've been fairly slow this month, with a lot of migraines and allergy issues, but fortunately I'm not really needed at this point; there's a risk I've left some artist hanging on the "waiting for commission" or "waiting for commentary on sketches" phase because I've been out of it so much, but if I've managed to keep up on that then we're golden. Once I'm feeling a bit better, I'll continue my current project of working through an early PoD to catch anything that needs tweaking.

My personal target is finishing up the PDF in July and the print book in August, though ... like ... things happen, and I gave myself more time than that when setting kickstarter targets for a reason. ^_^

Best wishes,


Backerkit Excluded Countries List Updated
6 months ago – Mon, Apr 22, 2024 at 11:33:19 AM

Hi all!

Backerkit helped me find and fix the problem. I'm not quite sure where the original extremely weird list of excluded countries came from---it doesn't look like something I set up, or like a default list---but I've reduced it down to countries I know I can't ship to right now. The list of excluded countries is now probably too small, but if it turns out I can't manage shipping to someone later, I'll cancel the pledge at that time.

On my end, this appears to also fix the problem with shipping to Puerto Rico.

There was a period of about three minutes while I was fixing this that almost every country was excluded for new surveys; I hope that didn't get anybody!

Thank you for bearing with me, and I hope this is all actually resolved.

Best wishes,


Backerkit Surveys
6 months ago – Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 04:06:42 PM

Hi all!

Backerkit surveys have gone out to backers to gather addresses and suchlike! Please check your spam folder if you haven't seen yours. While the book is not ready yet, there are a number of digital downloads available once your survey is complete.

A few countries appear to be blocked at Backerkit's end. I'm currently trying to find out whether that's a mistake or not---I know there are some countries it might be currently impossible or illegal to ship to, but I don't believe those include Norway or Switzerland, so odds of a configuration error are high.

  • if it's an error, it should be fixed soon. I'll let you know!
  • if it's not an error, but shipping to those countries via my distributor is possible, I'll contact relevant backers individually to resolve the matter.
  • If I can't resolve the matter, I'll send a refund.

Best wishes,


Store Now Open for Late Pledges / Backers Who Can't Use Kickstarter
7 months ago – Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 04:00:10 PM

And it's up! 

I'd actually planned to put this up for just a week or two, but then I remembered that April 15th is tax day (for me and for most of you, anyway) so I'll be leaving a late pledge option up through April before switching it over to preorders. 

... though I think I am going to close stretch goals here.

Thank you again to everybody!! 

Best wishes,


Project Complete, and Third Stretch Goal Complete!
7 months ago – Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 01:51:23 PM

(sunrise over the roofs)
Sunrise over the roofs, by Jenn Manley Lee

Thank you all!!!

(and an extra special thanks to the Dedicated Friend that tossed in a few hundred extra at the literal last minute to make sure that third stretch goal happened!)

If you're interested in the Far Roofs but weren't able to back on kickstarter, I'll be opening up a backerkit store soon with many of the options! This is my first time using backerkit, so please bear with me if it takes a while, or, if I figure it out instantly and wind up messaging you all twice today.

Kickstarter usually takes around 14 days to sort through everything and confirm the final backer list and total. I'll do my best to get the rewards I can send out then---the novels from the $98k stretch goal, digital copies of Glitch from the Glitch add-ons, and everyone's copies of the Flood---as soon as possible after! You can bug me if it doesn't happen this month. 

Thank you all one more time! I'm really happy that this did well enough that I can give this book an even better treatment than originally planned. 

(Also, wow, 2000 backers! That's an extremely round and fulfilling number. ^_^)

I'll update as things go; for right now, my priority is finishing up the originally planned art, going over PoD proofs for ways to improve the general look, and maybe expanding the index when I'm less aaaaaaaaaah! we did it!!! and can do detail work once again. ^_^

Best wishes,


P.S. I gave a couple of podcast interviews recently, on the Far Roofs with MIldra the Monk and on gaming in general over at the Ludogogy podcast; you can check them out if you like!

a rat standing upright in waistcoat and swordbelt
Fortitude Rat, probably checking out the podcast interviews,by Camille "Karma" O'Leary