
The Far Roofs

Created by Jenna Katerin Moran

a game of talking rats, god-monsters, and you

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Second Stretch Goal Complete! Party Favors for Everybody!
7 months ago – Sun, Mar 31, 2024 at 04:24:29 PM

the sun rises over the roofs
by Jenn Manley Lee

We've hit our second stretch goal, and 300%! Thank you all so much!

Accordingly, this means that all backers now get a voucher for an at-cost print-on-demand copy of "the Flood," and, each $50+ pledge now sponsors one community copy of the final digital version! That's around 870 copies so far, and more as we go. I do think they'll get used up at some point even at those numbers, so please enjoy the fact that your $50+ pledge helps one more person out later on!

As a separate bonus, the promo video series is now complete! You can find a master post linking to all of them here! 

Best wishes,


The Stagger of Rooftops
7 months ago – Sat, Mar 30, 2024 at 02:48:11 PM

a climbing rat regards a vast piled hill of roofs, feathers floating by
The Stagger of Rooftops, by Lee Moyer

Hi all! Here's one of the bonus spreads I've commissioned in celebration of the kickstarter's ongoing success. If we do well enough, there'll be a few more!

With Lee's permission, I'll also be making the original ink drawing for this piece available shortly at a new pledge level. Please bear with me if I underprice it and it's gone before you get there. Conversely, if I aim too high for a 72-hour sales window, dedicated friends and friends of the rats can feel free to contact me in April to express interest and I'll figure something out!

... at that, please also feel free to comment if you'd like to be put in touch with any of the artists for prints, sketches, or originals (though I believe most of the pieces you've seen are digital and lack originals)!

Best wishes,


Limited Edition Glitch Add-on Expanded!
7 months ago – Sun, Mar 24, 2024 at 07:46:48 PM

Hi all!

As per implicit request, I've made another 25 copies of the Glitch add-on available, and will probably add even a few more on once I reconcile myself to using up almost all my supply. 

Best wishes,


like what if I move in a couple of years and lose my copy in the move and then I'm too broke to get another but then LATER I have money again and want to have Indie Press Revolution send me one and they're all gone WHAT THEN I ask you or what if I'm stuck on an arctic expedition and discover an ancient magically warmed ruin where nobody has any copies of Glitch and they're too snobby to buy print on demand even though the quality of print on demand is really quite good these days and the only way to buy back my name (they stole it, hypothetically, and also all my other names, even the one I keep in my zipper purse pocket for nominative emergencies) is with copies but they're gone? I worry about these things. Or what if

Some Art and Videos
7 months ago – Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 11:18:49 AM

$60k! And more! Thank you everyone. ^_^ It looks like I can be a little more ambitious with the art than I'd originally planned.

... accordingly, I felt like today was a good day to share a few of the pieces of art that have come in since the kickstarter started! 

A roofscape, with traveling rats.
by Jenn Manley Lee
a rat sleeps on an overgrown house roof. Stopped up gutters have accumulated water to the point where dozens of houses are visible entirely underwater and ships sail on the "gutter-sea."
by Lee Moyer
a gleaming chest next to a tumbled chimney
by Jenn Manley Lee

Meanwhile, here's the full set of promo videos I've put together so far; for:

They aren't really working as promotion, to be honest, but I am going to do a few more anyway so that you can show them to your groups when one of those Mysteries might be coming into play, or, to whet their appetite in general to play the game!

Best wishes,


First Stretch Goal Complete! Backer Draft Now Available.
8 months ago – Wed, Mar 06, 2024 at 02:35:42 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.